11 research outputs found

    Towards a Context Knowledge Taxonomy. Combined Methodologies to Improve a Fast-Search Concept Extraction for an Ontology Population

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    Context in Architectural Design can be defined-related-comparable to hypothesis and boundary conditions in mathematics. An eco-system that influences it by means of natural and artificial events, space and time dimension. The research has the aim to analyze the critical issues related to Context by providing a contribution to the study of interactions between Context Knowledge and Architectural Design and how it can be used to improve the performance of the buildings and reducing design mistakes. The research focusing on formal ontologies, has developed a model that enables a semantic approach to design application programs, to manage information, to answer design questions and to have a clear relation between the formal representation of the context domain and its meanings. This context model provides an advancement on the state of the art in simplified design assumptions, in term of ontology ambiguity and complexity reduction, by using algorithms to extract and optimize branches of the graph. The extraction does not limit the number of relations, that can be extended and improve context taxonomy coherency and accuracy

    3-hydroxy-L-kynurenamine is an immunomodulatory biogenic amine

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    Tryptophan catabolism is a major metabolic pathway utilized by several professional and non-professional antigen presenting cells to maintain immunological tolerance. Here we report that 3-hydroxy-l-kynurenamine (3-HKA) is a biogenic amine produced via an alternative pathway of tryptophan metabolism. In vitro, 3-HKA has an anti-inflammatory profile by inhibiting the IFN-gamma mediated STAT1/NF-kappa Beta pathway in both mouse and human dendritic cells (DCs) with a consequent decrease in the release of pro-inflammatory chemokines and cytokines, most notably TNF, IL-6, and IL12p70. 3-HKA has protective effects in an experimental mouse model of psoriasis by decreasing skin thickness, erythema, scaling and fissuring, reducing TNF, IL-1 beta, IFN-gamma, and IL-17 production, and inhibiting generation of effector CD8(+) T cells. Similarly, in a mouse model of nephrotoxic nephritis, besides reducing inflammatory cytokines, 3-HKA improves proteinuria and serum urea nitrogen, overall ameliorating immune-mediated glomerulonephritis and renal dysfunction. Overall, we propose that this biogenic amine is a crucial component of tryptophan-mediated immune tolerance. 3-hydroxy-L-kynurenamine (3-HKA) is a metabolite deriving from a lateral pathway of tryptophan catabolism. Here the authors identify 3-HKA as a biogenic amine and show it has anti-inflammatory properties that can protect mice against psoriasis and nephrotoxic nephritis.Peer reviewe

    Smart city

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    Awareness: the best tool for decision-making in the Collaborative Design process. Context ontologies and intelligent systems for early stage decisions in architectural design

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    From the earliest stages of Architectural Design, designers have to take many decisions, mostly based on the relationships between the project (i.e. the ‘Product’ of building design) and its ‘Context’. Currently this process lacks an application program able to support and verify these relationships and overall building performance. The work of our research group aims at formalizing Knowledge about the ‘Product’ and ‘Context’ using ontologies in order to enhance existing BIM instruments. Identifying and structuring ‘Context’ entity knowledge and studying a system that relates them to building components and spaces is a fundamental element for quality design solutions as these relationships are often overlooked in the early stages of design. Entities of this knowledge domain have been defined and formalized by means of Protégé O.L. The development of such a system for managing ‘Product’ related to ‘Context’ can enhance relationships among product, context and designers as the latter can be advised from the outset of what might affect their design solutions, so they are more aware of the consequences of their decisions

    Building Heritage Knowledge Framework using Context Ontologies. Regeneration of industrial areas - the "Isola del Liri" case study

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    The growth of urban areas and the increase of urban migrations caused an incorporation of industrialized areas in the development of cities. The difficulties related to city planning in these areas could be coped with more satisfactorily through the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Context ontologies plus reasoning rules to reuse old industrial buildings. The 'Context' entities and rules are studied using a Context Knowledge Model formalized with Protégé OWL (Ontology Web Language). The study was carried out on industrial buildings situated in southern Lazio - Italy - in particular a paper mill network. Applying GIS instruments to the study of these areas is not enough as designers can only obtain information, but not knowledge, which depends on the urban, historical, cultural, economic, environmental and juridical ‘context’. The goal of this research is to create a combination of these technologies to manage knowledge for a more aware design to regenerate old industrial areas with new uses

    Towards a multi-functional HBIM model

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    In Europe the number of existing buildings is greater than new ones, therefore it is necessary to improve built heritage management through suitable IT tools. Actually, BIM is an innovative methodology to optimize building lifecycle. Since BIM was born for new buildings, there are difficulties in using it for historical architectural heritage. Thus, the purpose of the research is to describe a possible strategy to develop 3D parametric models that can be easily used for many uses through a set of rules based on the description of construction components oriented to different objectives, e.g. restoration, energy saving, structural monitoring, healthcare facilities. This paper aims to discover a possible approach to implement a generic HBIM model which can be developed through the combination with a model based on intelligent agents (ABM).

    Cultural Heritage Knowledge Context. A model based on Collaborative Cultural approach

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    Cultural Heritage is a wide concept. It's what remains of the past generations Cultural Heritage includes tangible culture (such as buildings, monuments, landscapes, books, works of art and artifacts), intangible culture (such as folklore, music, traditions, language and knowledge) and natural heritage (including culturally significant landscapes, and biodiversity). A good preservation, restauration and valorization of Cultural Heritage embraces tangible and intangible culture, actually not evaluated in an holistic way. Cultural Heritage is not only an historical memory of the past, but the mirror of an anthropological reality that characterizes our personal and collective identity within a cultural context. The question is: How can we take into account these thought categories? The model proposed would be an used methodology to analyze the model for data acquisition, processing, modeling and implementation of knowledge on culture and social context through ontologies. The purpose of the research is to analyze the relationship between Cultural Context and Cultural Heritage. The contribution proposes an original approach to Cultural Heritage based on a social and cultural approach, transforming the user as an actor for the acquisition of raw data and cultural knowledge, applying the model to the Archaeological Complex of Casinum, in South Latium

    Survey and valorization of the historical centres gamification and structure from motion

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    The study presents a project aimed at the knowledge and enhancement of minor historical centers, based on a scientific survey integrated system, developed with typical gamification procedures. The implemented methodology, experimented in the small and ancient historical center of the Municipality of Atina in Lower Lazio, exploits the potential of acquisition structure from motion. Basic elements of the system, developed by the research group, are the HeGo App, the user/player interface, and the "Totem/Target" (national patent object) strategically placed in fixed positions within the urban fabric, which will allow a restitution of the scientifically validated context. Therefore the expected direct involvement of tourists/users in the image acquisition process, with a view to gamification, proposes an innovative and user-friendly procedure in the articulated use of new information technologies, stimulating knowledge and enhancement of sites